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Retail companies choose the QuadMinds platform to:

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Optimized routes

Reduce time


Dar visibilidad

Give visibility

to the customer

Far fewer failed


Increase customer


Complete visibility

of the operation

Check what you can do with the Preferred Platform to streamline your delivery operation while maintaining full control over your brand:

What benefits can the company get?

Optimización de rutas Background

Route optimization

The route optimizer achieves improving your daily planning in just a couple of seconds. It is ideal for your own fleet, third party, or mixed.

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Lower driven distances

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Increase amount of visits

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Save kilometers/miles

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Lower delivery times

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Improve customer satisfaction


Driver App

Empower your drivers. Our tools will put your company on the next level, as well as benefit your drivers and their productivity.

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Detailed trip surveillance

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Send trip and route details to the driver, as well as eventual deliveries

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Driver log in and detailed workday

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Drivers can certify deliveries via customer's signature, photo of delivery, add comments and observations


Order tracking

Track and control deliveries and their completion; identifying percentage to completion per vehicle.

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Confirmation on deliveries or pickups

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Trip sequence with timestamps

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Next customer to deliver to and estimated time of arrival

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Detail on delivered product


Insights for the customer

Improve communication with the customer and grant visibility on deliveries. Report on order status, changes, or any other relatable information.

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Notify delivery prediction via e-mail or SMS

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Tracking number for customer's use

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Updated estimation of arrival time

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Information on order status via e-mail

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Delivery Certification

This tool allows for an understanding of sucessfully completed deliveries, or not, together with customer's backup through a signature or photo of delivery

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Real-time tracking of sucessful deliveries

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Delivery notifications

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Detail on delivered product

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Payment confirmation as well as payment method

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Trip returns report

Discover more benefits of the QuadMinds platform

Do you want to try QuadMinds today?

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